Teeth Whitening
October 2019
Teeth whitening has become a common treatment in recent years with much promotion in magazines and on social media.
But not all teeth whitening procedures are the same…….
Only a dentist has the training to properly assess your teeth and the risks and benefits of teeth whitening for you. Beware of the many untrained people “selling” teeth whitening products who don’t properly understand teeth and the way teeth whitening works. Many products in the market place simply don’t work.
Teeth whitening products are generally applied to the surfaces of the teeth. Their effectiveness can depend on the original shade of the teeth, the type and severity of staining, the type and strength of whitening product, the way in which it is applied and for how long it is applied. Individual results for teeth whitening can vary.
The most common and most reliable form of teeth whitening involves the construction of custom made whitening trays which fit tightly over the teeth without encroaching on the gums. The whitening gel is placed into the tray, which is then worn by the patient for several hours, every day for about two weeks. This process allows the whitening material to be held in contact with the tooth, slowly penetrating the surface over a long period of time, achieving more reliable, long lasting results when compared with “instant” in surgery whitening procedures.
How long teeth whitening lasts also varies amongst individuals. This often relates to one’s habits, food preferences and daily oral hygiene routine. Regular smoking, red wine, coffee and tea consumption are common causes of staining.
Before commencing any teeth whitening treatment, patients should have a thorough dental examination to remove any surface debris and staining and discuss with the dentist potential risks and side effects of teeth whitening.